Guelph Contemporary Dance Festival
Posted on June 10, 2010
Dancing duet Gabrielle Martin and Andrea Legg of Floating Seed from Montreal performing Chrysalis in Exhibition Park, Guelph
This year’s Guelph Contemporary Dance Festival spanned four days, from June 3 to 6, in the River Run Performance Arts Centre and St. George’s Square in downtown Guelph. We attended one that took place outdoors – in Exhibition Park. With grass their stage, trees, shrubs and the back of a tennis court their props, the performers created an outdoor extravaganza unlike any other.
Dancing duet Gabrielle Martin and Andrea Legg of Floating Seed "emerged" from their "cocoon" in the beginning of their performance.
Five dancers from Company Blonde Dance Projects from Toronto performing Left, Right Left, a "Greek Chorus of mosquitos".
Virtuo Danse from Montreal performing Mâle de femme, a dialog of women's encounter with men from the perspective of four women of different origins. Only three performed that day, though.
Suddenly Dance Theatre from Victoria, British Columbia performing Courtyard for a Bird
Suddenly Dance Theatre from Victoria, British Columbia performing their signature move.
Lady Janitor from Toronto performing Ah! Mes Synchronettes!, a comic spectacle that enlivened the crowd with laughter.