Nuit Blanche 2015
Posted on October 4, 2015
Inside Out is a participatory art project that allows people to have their portraits printed and pasted in support of an idea.
There is No Way demonstrates that “everything must go somewhere”, and thus there is no “away” to which things can be thrown. This installation will confront the public with the unimaginable cumulative mass of waste that is produced as a society.
PARK HERE is a wordplay project. The common ‘Park Here’ signs in Toronto make it appear there are many parks, when the opposite is the reality. This installation transforms what a parking lot could be, if it was truly billed as green space. A Park. Here.
The largest stand-alone sculpture by FriendsWithYou to date, Light Cave is a cathedral of the spirit. The piece utilizes color and light creating a sensory rich experience, with the purpose of joining people together.
Eyes on the Bridge. JR often asks people to make faces, but some prefer to pose silently, allowing us to read in their eyes everything they have been through. This project features the eyes of individuals who dream to be in Toronto.
Pattern Study is a textile collage that explores pattern, texture and line in space. Looking closely at the structures found in textiles, this work creates an immersive environment by expanding the scale of textile structures to the scale of architecture.
Line to get into Harbourfront Centre
A large floating Torus on Lake Ontario directs our movement around a continuum, like the watery toroidal typology it rests upon.
Time of The Empress uses images of modernist buildings suspended in loops of simultaneous construction and disintegration to cast a meditational glance at historical cycles of growth and decay, destruction and renewal and the fragility of the present.
Lava Field. From sunset to sunrise, 15 tons of molten rock generating temperatures upwards of 1800°C flows from a coke-fired cupola, creating a geomorphically accurate lava field. Occasional “eruptions” occur throughout the night modeling natural explosive volcanism.
The Cleaving is a barricade across a city street, made from the detritus of a city remaking itself. Within the barricade is a cleft, a gateway through the obstruction that transports you, but the terms of safe passage remain unclear.
Frío Estudio del Desastre reconstructs an image of an exploding wall. Shattered fragments of cinder block hang suspended in the air, while a gaping hole in the wall indicates the point of impact of the blast responsible for this domestic ground zero.
EMPREINTES. Carbonized shoe lasts suspended in the atrium evoke the 'hanging rooms' of coal mines. They carry messages by local children and a calculation of their carbon footprint. The work speaks to the visible and invisible footprints we leave each day.
Ripple is a collective instrument through which users collaborate to generate melodies, movement and light. It is a poetic yet playful embodiment of the notion that we can achieve more together than alone, that every action creates a ripple effect.
Zero Hour is a poem set to a dome projection of current weather patterns and climactic disturbances taking place in the southern hemisphere.
Drummer. Queen's Park. 4am. Suitcase as bass.
Each Portion engages the associations and memories triggered by food. Starting with berry picking from various sites around Ontario, this project invites visitors to the AGO in September to contribute to an animation by experimenting with the absorption of this pigment on various materials. The resulting objects will be added to a stop motion animation, which will be on display for Scotiabank Nuit Blanche.
Isabel Lewis hosts occasions, which are a celebratory meeting of things, people, plants, music, smells and dances that conjure the ancient Greek symposium, where philosophizing, drinking and the sensuous were inseparable.
A five-channel video installation plays cloud imagery of Toronto skies. Reverence in Reverie is an evocation of awe and wonder that melds the landscape of our memories, dreams, and collective experiences with the cloudscapes of the sky.
Beaufort 12: Black Cloud. 30,000 black moths cut out of paper and clinging to the walls and ceiling of The Power Plant´s clerestory, create an experience where the boundaries between beauty and awe, good and evil, calm and calamity are constantly blurred.